Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

If you are a coach looking for lead magnet ideas, you’ve come to the right place! Starting a coaching business is an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. But before you can start working with clients, you need to build a list of potential clients through lead generation. One of the most effective ways to do this is by creating a lead magnet – a valuable piece of content that you give away for free in exchange for someone’s contact information.

This doesn’t have to be as complicated or as scary as it may seem. The key here is valuable content. And I’ve created this list of lead magnet ideas for new coaches to help you get started today.

5 Easy Lead Magnet Ideas For New Coaches

1. Ebook or Guide: Creating an ebook or guide is an excellent way to showcase your expertise and provide value to potential clients. Some examples include:

  • Life Coach: Guide to overcoming limiting beliefs
  • Business Coach: Strategies for maximizing time and reaching goals
  • Health Coach: Guide to clean eating
  • Career Coach: How to land your dream job
  • Mindset Coach: How to create more self-love

2. Quiz or Assessment: People love quizzes and assessments, and they can be an effective way to generate leads. Create a quiz or assessment that helps potential clients identify their strengths and weaknesses in a particular area I enjoy creating assessments about. Some other examples include:

  • Life Coach: What is your self-care style?
  • Business Coach: What’s your leadership style?
  • Health Coach: What’s your health personality?
  • Career Coach: What’s your ideal career path?
  • Mindset Coach: Are you ready for change?

3. Checklist or Template: Checklists and templates are incredibly useful and can help potential clients get organized and stay on track. Some examples include:

  • Life Coach: X Days to a More Positive Mindset
  • Business Coach: X Essential Daily Tasks For Success
  • Health Coach: X Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life
  • Career Coach: Job Search Checklist
  • Mindset Coach: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

4. Webinar or Workshop: Hosting a webinar or workshop is an even more personal way to showcase your stuff and your coaching style. Some examples include:

  • Life Coach: Unlocking your full potential with X-step workshop
  • Business Coach: Growth strategies for growing your business
  • Health Coach: Managing stress and anxiety
  • Career Coach: Creating a winning resume
  • Mindset Coach: Reframing negative thoughts

5. Audio or Video Recording: Creating an audio or video recording is an excellent way to provide value to potential clients while showcasing your personality and style. Some examples include:

  • Life Coach: Guided meditation with daily affirmations
  • Business Coach: Top strategies for growing business video series
  • Health Coach: Healthy body image visualization exercise
  • Career Coach: Mastering the art of networking video training
  • Mindset Coach: Self-love guided meditation

Final Thoughts on Lead Magnets

Creating a lead magnet is an effective way to generate leads and build your coaching business. By providing value to potential clients through a free resource, you can showcase your expertise, build trust, and grow your email list (and hey, you can join mine, here). Try one or more of these easy to create lead magnet ideas and start building your coaching business today. Let me know how it goes in the comments!