Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

If you’re an Entrepreneur and you aren’t taking intentional time to practice self-care, these self-care tips are for you! Actually, even if you’re not an Entrepreneur, you need self-care. But, to stay on topic, let’s just focus on self-care for Entrepreneurs.

You know how stressful your days and nights can be.

Your mind knows it and your body feels it.

Self-care can be your secret to handling those stresses with more ease. And the benefits to self-care extend beyond managing stress! According to a poll of more than 2,000 Americans, the top benefits to a self-care practice include:

  • More Happiness
  • Increased productivity
  • A self-confidence boost

I don’t know about your life as an Entrepreneur, but for me, I can definitely benefit from all of the above. So, we are in agreement then. Self-care is an important part of our lives as Entrepreneurs, just like responding to email and checking social media. Now that we are on the same page, I happily present to you some self-care tips for Entrepreneurs.

Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs

  • Schedule Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine: You don’t have to spend hours luxuriating in a massaging chair eating grapes to practice self-care. Though you can if you want, no judgment here. But aim to spend some time every day. You can also set yourself up for success and block time out on your calendar just for YOU and some self-care. You can decide how that time is spent, but choose CAREfully and make sure you are truly doing something for yourself that elevates your energy.
  • Don’t Say “Yes” When You Really Mean “No”: Sometimes as Entrepreneurs we take on too much. We can take on too much very easily because we want to succeed and help others. But I ask you, how many things do you agree to that you really don’t have time for or interest in? Sometimes we have to do this, but most times, we don’t. You are not caring for yourself if you’re over-booking and over-working yourself. Saying no will also open your time to doing things that bring you joy!
  • Set & Maintain Boundaries: Now that you’re saying no to things you don’t want to or need to be doing, stay steadfast in these decisions. Once you’ve set a boundary in your business, maintain it. Your time is valuable and you need to protect it. This is why we set boundaries.
  • Self-affirmations every day for 33 days: Positive self-affirmations have been proven to increase confidence and build a growth mindset. Two things that we as Entrepreneurs need. Sign up for the 33 Days of Extraordinary Energy Affirmations for Entrepreneurs mailing list to receive daily affirmations to your email.
  • Move your body: Moving your body physically moves your mindset. Go for a hike, dance it out, bend yourself into a pretzel with yoga…even the smallest bit of movement is amazing for your body, mind, and spirit. It’s important to move your body throughout the day. Back-to-back meetings make this difficult, but find a way to move your body and shift your energy.
  • Take a technology break: I “grew up” in a world where being online 24/7 was applauded and expected. One of the first things I did when starting my own business was to turn off when I’m done with work for the day. It is a gift to myself (and everyone around me), so I implore you to gift yourself the same freedom and pace. Turn off the devices, the phones, the computers, everything. I know I may have lost some people with this tip, but if you do this, even for 5 minutes a day, it is remarkable for the mind. How you spend this time is up to you…

What Is Your Self-Care Goal This Week?

These are only a few self-care ideas for Entrepreneurs and there are many more out there. Don’t over-complicate it or be scared by blocking time on your calendar to “selfishly” spend on self-care. Start with something, anything. Make a self-care goal for yourself this week and start there (remember to make it SMART).

Let me know what you come up with in the comments below!

Additional Resources For The Self-Care Lovin’ Entrepreneur: