Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Recently, a (mindset) coaching client asked me why mindset matters when there are so many external influences and stressors today. All of these things happen and it becomes more difficult to choose and/or create healthy mindsets…not to mention that these things still go on despite trying to have a specific mindset. So, why does mindset even matter at all?!

As a fellow explorer in this life trying to create the best version of myself, I took a beat and thought, “That’s a great question!” Since I am highly sensitive, I can easily get caught up in a moment of stress or negativity. Then, I get carried away in a swirl of negative thoughts and start to feel like I have no control over what’s happening or my mindset. I can throw “mindset matters” out the window in those moments, if I choose to (or even if I subconsciously choose to by allowing it to continue). I felt what they were saying to my core.

As a Mindset Coach, I realized we were in a pivotal point in our time together, but it wasn’t up to ME to tell them why THEIR mindset matters. For them to really understand why/if mindset matters, they needed to answer that question for themselves. Or, to put it more bluntly…for their mindset to matter, they needed to choose to make it matter. By the end of our conversation, the client had clarity into how they define “mindset” and why mindset matters (to them).

This conversation resonated with me. I wanted to write a blog listing all the things I couldn’t say in that coaching session about mindset and how it matters SO much. But again, I realized this blog is no different than a coaching session and my reasons are not your reasons (even if they are similar). So, it would be best to give you a tool of your own to answer this question.

Wondering Why Your Mindset Matters?

Ask yourself these questions.
  1. How do you define mindset? – I gladly shared my preferred definition with you in this blog post, if you’re curious. However, do some research of your own. See what fits best and start there.
  2. If you could change your mindset regarding one topic, what would that topic be? – Armed with your mindset definition, think of all your mindsets, thoughts, pre-conceived notions, etc. and pick one that could benefit from some change. To be clear, I’m not saying, “Think Positive” in any area, it’s not about positive or negative, it’s about change.
  3. How could that change in mindset impact your life? – Or, if you changed that one mindset, what would be the tangible benefits you’ll see? Think about it, give yourself permission to dream. While there may be significantly positive impacts on your life, depending on what you’re working on, maybe there are also smaller impacts. Or maybe, this specific thing, this one mindset will not be THE change, but it will be a catalyst for more openness to change.
  4. What will life look like 6 months from now if you don’t change this mindset? – Be honest with yourself. If you don’t change this mindset, will you see any growth? Any change in life?
  5. What is one thing you can do right now to start to shift this mindset? – Okay, so this one isn’t really a coaching question designed to bring you clarity on if your mindset matters, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging if you’re reading along and ready to start your mindset transformation.

So, Does Your Mindset Matter?

That is my question to you. After the exercise above, what do YOU think? Do you see that shifting your mindset could create change in your life? And if we can agree that your mindset can create change, then could we also agree that your mindset matters? Let me know what you think in the comments below ⬇️.

Additional Resources In Your Mindset Journey: