Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

“Failure Is Final!”

Love, Our Inner Saboteur every time we experience an obstacle.

How many times have you stopped something before you even really started, because it wasn’t going perfectly?

How often have you “failed” at something and given up on it completely without any proof that the failure would persist?

If you have ever given up on something, labeled it a “failure” and treated it like it was final, that is one time too many! We all fall into this “failure is final” trap and ignore all the data in front of us telling us to keep going. It’s our fixed mindset actively at work (or rest, depending on your perspective) trying to keep things status quo, leveraging our fear to keep us stuck. However, I would like to remind you of one thing.

One tiny detail, that is supported by data and 100% irrefutable.

Are you ready?

You have survived every single one of your most HORRIBLE days to date.

Some days may have been survived with some bruises and copious amounts of eye-rolling, but you got through them. All of the ups, downs, and in between days, well, my friend, you got through those too. Notably, you got through all of your failures and still marched on.You have PROVEN that you can fail and still survive!

You have proven that failure is NOT final.

So then how did we end up here?

“Failure Is Final” – A Case of Fake News

I blame #fakenews. (Stay with me here, I am going to tie a nice bow around it…)

The fake news your fixed mindset tells you during moments of failure. Because that mindset is only there to keep you stuck in one spot and it’ll feed you lies and fake news to keep you there (“You’re not good enough!”, “You fail at everything!”). Whereas, if you operate from a growth mindset, you appreciate the lessons you learned from the failure and choose to move forward, or not, depending on what is best for you. In this mindset, you move forward, proving that the failure experience is not actually final.

That’s right, fake news! When you are approaching your failures with a fixed mindset, you’re ignoring all the actual data your brain has, which shows you are great, successful, smart, talented, etc. You’re ignoring it, you are instead choosing a false narrative designed to help you stay stuck. Feels kinda crappy, doesn’t it? We’ve all been there…

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A post shared by Dawn Kirspel (@extraordinaryenergycoaching)

In reading this post, hopefully you and I can now agree on the following things:

  • Failure is NOT final. This is fact, you have data to support it.
  • Letting “failures” keep you stuck, is a fixed mindset and based on fake news.
  • You deserve a round of applause for even exploring these ideas, because they will start a transformation in your life.

So, now what? Now is where the delicate art of re-framing comes in. These fixed mindsets will be here and your Inner Saboteur will keep lurking around unless you can begin re-framing some of these thoughts. Click here to read more about shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and starting re-framing today!

Next Steps On Your Journey To Living In A Growth Mindset: