Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Hey there, my fellow coach! Let me start by congratulating you on nailing your coaching certification and taking steps to becoming a successful entrepreneur!

I know how amazing it feels to have those credentials in your hands. It’s exhilarating and impressive. Now it’s time to starting your coaching business!

Many coach training programs don’t bother much with that part. And starting your own coaching business can seem like a big question mark. Don’t you worry! Today, we’re going to chat about some tips that helped me get started. They will help you kickstart your coaching practice and become the successful entrepreneur you’re destined to be.

So grab your favorite coffee and let’s dive in!

Tips For Becoming A Success Entrepreneur Now That You’re A Certified Coach

Tip 1: Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur

Okay, so you might not exactly consider yourself a full-blown entrepreneur just yet, but trust me, you’ve got what it takes! Embrace your inner entrepreneurial spirit, shake off those doubts, and believe in the incredible coaching skills you’ve honed. And if just reading that sentence isn’t enough, here are 3 resources for you:

  • Sign up for 33 days of affirmations curated for entrepreneur’s ready to develop their entrepreneurial mindset
  • Learn how to navigate from employee to entrepreneur and build a mindset of a successful entrepreneur
  • Read how I broke through the entrepreneurial mindset barrier to start living my OWN definition of “entrepreneur”
Tip 2: Find Your Coaching Sweet Spot

Picture this: you’re in an ice cream shop, faced with a gazillion delicious flavors. It’s tough to choose just one, right? Well, finding your coaching niche is kinda similar. Discover what lights your fire and who you love working with most. By defining your niche and ideal client, you’ll attract the perfect peeps who resonate with your unique coaching mojo. If you’re on the fence about choosing a niche or not, check out this blog post for more info.

Tip 3: Unleash Your Brand Magic

Let’s get real for a sec. Your coaching practice is like a magical storybook, and you’re the charismatic protagonist. Craft a brand that’s authentically YOU. Whip up a fancy logo, jazz up your website, and sprinkle some stardust on your social media presence. Make sure your brand sparkles and communicates the incredible value you bring to the table.

Tip 4: Make Marketing Fun and SMART

Ah, marketing! It’s not as intimidating as it seems, promise! Embrace your creative side and have a blast with it. Social media, content creation, and email marketing can be your secret weapons. Share your wisdom, show off your personality, and connect with your dreamy clients. Create a plan and SMART goals to make sure you’re making the most of your time. For more on SMART goals and marketing, click here.

Tip 5: Shower Clients with Awesomeness

Remember the joy of jumping in a bouncy castle as a kid? Well, that’s the kind of experience you want to create for your clients. Show them some serious love, listen like a champ, and tailor your coaching sessions to their needs. Continuously improve and soak up their feedback. Happy clients will be your biggest cheerleaders, spreading the word and fueling your coaching empire.

Tip 6: Never Stop Growing

Growth is like a never-ending buffet of delicious possibilities. Keep your coaching skills sharp and stay in the know. Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences, and surround yourself with other inspiring coaches. Find a mentor or join a mastermind group because who doesn’t love learning and growing together?

Tip 7: Make Systems Your Superpower

Okay, I know admin stuff might not be the most glamorous part of the coaching gig, but trust me, efficient systems will save your sanity. Get organized, set up streamlined processes for onboarding clients, scheduling, and billing. When your systems run smoothly, you’ll have more time and energy to focus on what you do best—coaching!

Tip 8: Rock That Perseverance Game

Here’s the deal, my friend. Entrepreneurship is like a rollercoaster ride with a twisty-turny track. Embrace the bumps, the loops, and the exhilaration. Learn from your “Oops!” moments, keep that smile on your face, and persist like a champion. Your determination will carry you through any challenge that comes your way.

Ready To Be The Successful Entrepreneur You Were Meant To Be?

Again, congratulations on making it this far! If you haven’t taken time to celebrate your achievement, do so now. And if you’re continuing your journey and going for an ICF credential, check out my post on passing the ICF exam.

You’ve got the enthusiasm, the skills, and the heart of an amazing coach. Now, it’s time to take action and turn your dreams into reality. Remember, success as an entrepreneur isn’t just about the destination—it’s about embracing the journey, enjoying every twist and turn, and celebrating your growth along the way.

If you’re hungry for more guidance and inspiration, I’ve got something special for you. Download my free ebook, “From Passion to Profit,” a comprehensive guide that will walk you through the exciting process of starting your own coaching business. It’s time to unlock your full potential, make an impact, and create the coaching practice of your dreams. Cheers to your incredible journey ahead, I can’t wait to hear how it goes!