Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

I have an admission. Up until 2020, I never knew I could give myself permission to dream. Maybe it sounds silly to you, but it just never occurred to me that I could empower myself in that way. Like, literally, the thought never popped into my head 🤯. It wasn’t until I found myself at a crossroads in my life that I asked, “Why not me?” and there was a quiet voice that responded with, “Me?! Why not?” 

There were little fireworks going off in my head as I began to think about it. To dream about it. As I sat there, excited and nervous, I began dreaming about what I truly wanted for my life. I began to fantasize about what a typical day in the life could look like if I followed my dreams.

I thought about what my life would look like if I succeeded. Never one to be left out of a life moment, my Inner Saboteur even jumped in to share what my life would look like if I failed. And you know what?

Both options, succeeding beyond what I could comprehend and failing in a fiery ball of defeat were better than if I didn’t dream at all.

In that amazing moment, I formally gave myself permission to dream. I am emotional as I write about this because it was transformational for me. Giving myself the permission to dream set me on an entirely new direction in life. Frankly, it was just easier than how I was living before. Suddenly, I was not looking externally for permission or expectations, which if you can sometimes be guilty of that too, you know is exhausting. It has made me more accountable, more motivated, and more authentic as a human being because I am being more true to myself and my goals.

So, I ask you, dear reader…

What would happen if YOU gave yourself permission to dream?

How will we be celebrating you in 1 year from now, if you started today?

If you gave yourself permission to dream, permission to do that big thing you have been dreaming of, what would life look like for you?

Because, let me tell you, giving yourself permission to dream will change your life. So, what’s next? You can DM me on Instagram, email me, or comment below. Or be bold and get started right now by scheduling a Chemistry Call with me to get started today!

Now That You Have Given Yourself Permission To Dream, What’s Next?

  • Self-Love Is a Mindset – Download this free ebook with tips to love yourself more!
  • How to Define Success On Your Own Terms – Read this blog to learn more.
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