Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

If you were to take an honest look at your definition of success and where it came from, you’d probably begin to realize it came from someone else. Whether it was a parent or a mentor you experienced while you were “growing up” in life or business, you likely defined success by their definition. And this may be what is holding you back from actually achieving the success you desire (because you’re chasing a success that you have no true connection to).

Let’s explore this more…

What Does Success Mean To You?

In one way or another, you’ve likely spent a significant amount of your life trying to succeed. But how much time have you spent making sure your definition of success is in line with your wants and needs? Probably not much, since you’re too busy trying to be “successful!” So, let’s take a few minutes now.

Now is the time – what does success mean to you?

  • Is it a high paying career?
  • A close-knit community of family and friends?
  • A life of travel and adventure?

Then, say that definition out loud and rate yourself, on a scale of 1 to 100, on where you are on the road to that success.

According to a study by Gallup and Populace, the average American only rated themselves a 68 based on their OWN definition of success. How did your score compare?

Your Definition Of Success Is What Is Holding You Back

Why isn’t that success rating closer to 100 if you are able to create your own definitions of success? It is because you defined success at an early age through watching other people and what appeared to make them happy.

I say “you,” but I can interchange that with “I” or someone else because everyone experiences this. But it’s time to be open to the idea that we have walked our own path and have our own set of values, meaning someone else’s definition could not possibly be the same as ours.

This sets us up for failure because we are always trying to attain something we’re not truly invested in. We will never truly succeed using someone else’s rules or definitions. We can only achieve true success if we step up and define it on our own terms.

Your Next Step Is To Define Success In Your Own Terms

If you now realize that you’re defining your own success by someone else’s definition, it’s time to take action and define success on your own terms. The first thing you can do is to start reflecting on your accomplishments. You can read about this first step and in my next post, How To Define Success In Your Own Terms.

I encourage you to redefine success for yourself. Once you start living life more on your own terms, you’ll begin seeing extraordinary results!

Need help figuring it out, book a chemistry call with me today and let’s get started.

Additional Resources To Support You In Your Success:

  • Learn how to master a self-love mindset by downloading this free e-book, Self-Love Is A Mindset: 5 Tips To Start Mastering A Self-Love Mindset to get started today.
  • Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter with tips, motivations, and resources to fuel your extraordinary energy.
  • Is your mindset holding you back? Read this post to find out if your mindset is holding you back.