Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

All coaches struggle with the decision to offer a free discovery call or not.

It makes sense.

We’re starting out as new coaches, don’t have experience to our names (yet), and need a place to start. A free introductory call (discovery call, chemistry call, free consultation, whatever you choose to call it) is a way we can show potential clients how great way are so they have to hire us immediately. This initial interaction can be a powerful tool in your coaching arsenal, but like any decision, it comes with its own set of pros and cons.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages and drawbacks of offering a free discovery call. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding to make the best choice for your coaching business.

The Warm Embrace of Free Discovery Calls: Pros of Offering a Free Discovery Call

🌟 Building Trust and Connection

A free discovery call provides a unique opportunity to connect with potential clients on a personal level. By offering a safe and supportive space to discuss their goals and challenges, you can establish trust and rapport, laying the foundation for a strong coaching relationship.

🌟 Showcasing Your Expertise

During the discovery call, you can showcase your coaching skills and expertise. By offering valuable insights and guidance tailored to their specific needs, you demonstrate the transformative power of your coaching approach.

🌟 Encouraging Commitment

Providing a free discovery call can encourage potential clients to take the first step towards committing to a coaching program. Experiencing the benefits of your coaching firsthand can motivate them to invest further in their personal growth journey.

The Empowerment of Fee-Based Discovery Calls: Cons of Offering a Free Discovery Call

🌟 Valuing Your Worth

Your time, skills, and knowledge are invaluable, and charging for discovery calls reflects that. By setting a consultation fee, you communicate the worth of your services and attract clients who are committed to investing in their development.

🌟 Time-Intensive Commitment

Offering free discovery calls can be time-consuming. As a new coach wearing multiple hats, dedicating considerable time to calls that may not lead to conversions can impact your overall productivity.

🌟 Attracting Non-Serious Prospects

Providing a free discovery call may attract individuals who are merely seeking free advice without any genuine intention of becoming long-term clients. This could lead to unproductive interactions and frustration on your part.

🌟 Setting Boundaries

Some potential clients may view the free call as an opportunity to extract as much information as possible without committing to further coaching sessions. As a coach, it’s essential to set clear boundaries during these calls to ensure a mutually beneficial exchange. This is also why I have offered a “Chemistry Call” to see if we are a good fit for each other vs. a “Discovery Call” where some quick and superficial coaching can occur.

The Sweet Spot: Tailoring Your Approach To Your Unique Style

As a new coach, the decision of whether to offer a free discovery call is a significant step in shaping your coaching practice. Both the pros and cons provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges associated with this approach. Take the time to reflect on your business goals, your target audience, and your personal coaching style.

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. What works for one coach may not work for another. Embrace the freedom to experiment, adapt, and refine your approach as you gain experience and insight.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in aligning your decision with your coaching philosophy and the type of clients you wish to attract. Whether you choose to offer a free discovery call or explore alternative approaches, your passion for coaching and dedication to your clients will undoubtedly shine through, setting you on the path to a fulfilling and thriving coaching practice.

Additional Resources For New Coaches:

  • How to Define Your Entrepreneurial Mindset So That You Will Succeed More – read more!
  • Lead Magnet Assessments Will Make Your Marketing & Coaching Easier – learn how!
  • To Niche Or Not To Niche… – discover here!