Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

I’ve coached a lot of Entrepreneurs and one of the themes that keep showing up is fear of failure. When we start to drill down further, it’s not so much about a fear of failure, as it is a shortage of self-confidence / self-worth / self-love. For some of us, there is a large distance between our dreams of the business we want to create and the belief in ourselves that we can do and we deserve it.

This is where the self-love enters the room, in all its dazzling glory.

But, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s define self-love.

What is self-love?

Self-love can be defined as having an appreciation and acceptance of yourself. All the good, bad, gnarly, ups, and downs. When you are in that lavender haze of self-love, you are proud of who you are, what got you here, and you only rely on yourself for acceptance (in other words, what they say about you, doesn’t matter).

This is essential in your life as an Entrepreneur!

How can you love your business and your team if you aren’t madly in love with yourself?

This brings me to my next point…

Why is self-love important for Entrepreneurs?

Self-love is important for Entrepreneurs because it can mean the difference in giving up completely or trying something else. It can mean the difference in making life easier or harder for yourself.

By practicing self-love, you begin to build your confidence and self-worth, which you need to follow your dreams. When only 58% of business survive beyond 3 years, it is clear that it takes more than a great idea, effort, and resilience. You need to consciously take time for self-care and self-love to not only survive, but thrive.

But how can self-love make my business more successful?

Starting and running a business takes a lot out of you. Mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally we put ourselves through the wringer to follow our dreams. We also live in a society where “working hard” is one of the only factors of success we verbalize. However, taking a moment each day to practice some self-care will impact your business positively because when you:

  • “Turn off” and have some mental and physical downtime, you allow your brain to rest and reset. This invites more opportunities to be creative and problem-solve.
  • Are focused on yourself and your achievements, your self-confidence increases and you begin taking more chances that you’d otherwise avoid.
  • Take a breath, you can gain perspective and start focusing on things that need your time, versus time wasters.
  • Love yourself, you are operating from a higher vibration which attracts high vibes and successl

When I started making the effort every day to check in with myself and practice some self-love, I began to see tangible benefits in my day. And I started just by journaling for a few minutes each morning before starting my day. If writing isn’t quite your thing, check out this post with more tips for practicing self-love. How will you get started practicing self-love?

Additional Self-Care Resources For Entrepreneurs

  • Self-Love is a Mindset: 5 Tips to Cultivating Your Self-Love Mindset – free eBook download!
  • 33 Days of Positive Affirmations For Entrepreneurs – free email signup!
  • How to Set Boundaries At Work – click-through to learn more!