Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Social comparison…we are all guilty of it at one time or another. It seems harmless at the time, doesn’t it?

“We went through the same coaching program together and they already have thousands of Instagram followers…” 🤯

“That Life Coach has an amazing website and it’s so much better than mine…” 😢

“That coaches Facebook posts get so many likes and mine don’t!” 🤬

The internal chatter and comparisons go on and on. Social comparison might seem harmless as you’re doing it, but it’s quietly eroding the very foundation of your business success. Let’s dig a little deeper into why this toxic habit is killing your business (and more importantly your mindset, creativity and soul)…

The Destructive Power of Social Comparison

Picture this: you’re sipping your morning caffeine of choice, scrolling through Instagram, and there it is – a fellow coach sharing their latest achievement, dazzling testimonials, and a seemingly perfect client roster. 🥺 In an instant, the nagging doubt creeps in:

“Am I doing enough?”

“Should I be farther along by now?”

Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

This “social comparison” phenomenon is a silent killer of entrepreneurial dreams. It makes us question our abilities, second-guess our strategies, and worst of all, breeds negativity that stifles our creative flow.

The Business Fatality: How Social Comparison Undermines Your Success

When you fixate on others’ apparent achievements, you lose sight of your unique strengths and the journey you’re on. It’s like trying to win a race while glancing over your shoulder – you stumble and falter, missing out on your own milestones.

Moreover, this harmful habit negatively impacts decision-making. When your focus is external, you disregard your intuition and gut instincts, leading to missteps that can harm your business’s growth.

But also, how can you truly compare yourself to someone that is completely different and has walked a different path from you?

Who has possibly be doing this longer than you? Well, don’t worry, you will reach those same milestones if you keep going…

Who may have invested in their business and worked with a designer, a business coach, a marketing strategist? Well, you can choose to invest in yourself and business too to get the support you need in the areas you need it…

Who has a different background that gives them more of an edge in some areas? Well, you know what my friend? You have a different background too and have an edge in your areas and that makes you an amazing coach and successful entrepreneur in your own way.

Okay, so enough about the PROBLEM, let’s get to some social comparison SOLUTIONS.

Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap

Now, the million-dollar question: how can you escape this trap and reclaim your business’s upward trajectory?

Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Cultivate Self-Awareness: The first step is recognizing when you’re falling into the comparison pit. Tune in to your emotions – if you start feeling inadequate or anxious while scrolling, it’s time to step back. It’s in these moments especially, you need to turn the focus within and…
  • Celebrate Your Wins: Keep a success journal. Write down even the smallest victories – a satisfied client, a positive testimonial, or a successful workshop. Remind yourself that progress is a series of small steps.
  • Craft a Unique Path: Your journey is yours alone. Instead of mimicking someone else’s success, channel your energy into defining what success means for you. A client is going to want to work with YOU, not an imitation of someone else.
  • Engage in Meaningful Connections: Connect with fellow coaches not to compare, but to share experiences. Collaborate, learn from each other, and celebrate collective growth. Build a support network to learn and share. I truly believe that we make each other better as coaches, not by comparing, but by complimenting and contrasting each other. The coaching community is this beautiful mosaic of awesomeness.

This last one is going to hurt the most, but I promise you…it’s only temporary.

  • Limit Social Media Exposure: Allocate specific times for social media engagement, and avoid mindless scrolling. Use this time to connect with your audience, share valuable content, and focus on genuine interaction. And for the love of your business…just stop scrolling!

Let’s Just Agree To Stop Comparing Ourselves To Others

Not to be a Doomsayer, but, the toxic habit of social comparison can devastate your business if left unchecked. It’s time to reclaim your focus, redefine success, and harness your distinct strengths. Break free from the shackles of comparison and embrace your journey with confidence. Remember, I’m just a call away – let’s make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality!

Coachpreneur Resources Curated For You

  • You know you need to make some mindset shifts, but are you ready? Take this quiz and find out.
  • Journaling is an amazing way to unleash your creativity and center your focus so you can concentrate on the next best move for your business. Check out this journaling prompts designed specifically for entrepreneurs.
  • Learn how investing in your business and working with an Entrepreneur Coach makes a difference.