If you follow me on any of the socials, you know I’m a fan of daily affirmations.
I post them daily under the #MindsetMoment tag.
I’ve written a blog about them.
I created a free 33-day program to send you affirmations right to your email.
I’ve even been known to subtly 🤔 work them into a breakfast or dinner conversation.
I am a fan of daily affirmations because they help put me in the right* mindset and always boost my confidence (and on a good day, my mood).
Anywho, I don’t need to sell you on the transformative effects of using these little golden mantras…you already get it (or at least are curious about it). I know you know, or else you wouldn’t even be on this page. It is for you, my high vibing affirmation lovin’ reader, that I created this post of my top affirmations from 2022. That’s right, I combed through all my social media data from 2022 to see which ones you liked (pun always intended) the most.
Top 22 Affirmations From 2022

I am adaptable.
I am a beautiful, unique soul and I acknowledge that my existence and contribution to this planet are needed.
I am grateful for my uniqueness.
I celebrate and reward myself for every win, no matter how small it may seem.
I am motivated to become the best version of myself.
I no longer apologize for being true to myself.
I show up every day and bring my best self.
What other people think of me is none of my business.
I give myself permission to heal.
I believe in myself.
I am a valuable human being.
I am loved.
I radiate with confidence; people around me can feel it.
I radiate confidence and my own extraordinary energy.
I am confident in my ability to choose what is best for me.
I am grateful for all the opportunities that are coming my way.
I matter.
I gracefully step out of my comfort zone to get to where I need to be.
I am releasing all that is not in alignment with me.
The people in my life love and support me.
I release all fears and proceed with confidence and clarity.
I trust the process.
I don’t need validations from others to know how AMAZING I am.
Ready To Start 2023?
Thank you so much for reading this post. I loved putting this list together. It was fun to see which affirmations resonated the most with you and I hope next year’s affirmations continue to lift you up. If you haven’t already, sign up for my 33 days of affirmations delivered to your email.
Wishing you extraordinary energy in 2023 and beyond,
* Right mindset = The mindset I need to show up as my extraordinary self. The goal is not a good vibes only positive mindset, though, sometimes that is a happily embraced outcome.