Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

As a coach, you have a unique set of skills and expertise to offer the world🌟. However, to truly thrive as a coach who is starting their own coaching practice, it’s essential to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. This means thinking and acting like an entrepreneur, even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself one.

Don’t worry, you’re in good company. Even I still struggle with calling myself an entrepreneur despite having launched two successful businesses on my own. I guess that’s why I gravitate more to “Coachpreneur.” However, I digress, you’re here for a mindset shift, not for me to ramble.

Here are some tips and strategies for developing an entrepreneurial mindset as a coach:

  • Shift your thinking from employee to business owner: This sounds like such a silly thing to say, but seriously, if you’ve been an employee, or even some type of manager for your ENTIRE career, you will need to literally explain to yourself you’re now a business owner and thinking like an employee will no longer serve you. When you’ve worked most of your career as an employee, it is challenging to transition to thinking like a business owner. Start by recognizing that you are not just a coach but also an entrepreneur. Embrace the mindset of taking ownership and responsibility for your business’s success and focus on creating value for your clients.
  • Embrace a growth mindset: An entrepreneurial mindset requires you to adopt a growth mindset. A growth mindset means that you believe that you can learn and grow through hard work and determination. It’s about having a resilient and curious attitude towards challenges and viewing them as opportunities to learn and improve. Embrace the idea that your skills and abilities can improve with effort and practice. More about that “curious” attitude in a moment…
  • Take calculated risks: To grow your coaching business, you need to be willing to take calculated risks. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. This might mean investing in a new marketing strategy, trying a new coaching approach, or expanding your services. Taking calculated risks can help you grow your business and stand out from your competitors. To say it one more time, we’re talking about CALCULATED risks, be smart, do your research, ask for people’s feedback.
  • Cultivate resilience: As a coach and entrepreneur, you will face setbacks and failures. However, the key to success is resilience. Cultivate a mindset that allows you to bounce back from failures and keep moving forward. View failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Remember, setbacks are not permanent, but rather, temporary obstacles on the road to success. For more about building resilience, download our free eBook, “Resilience Is A Mindset.” My two cents on resilience? I think that being a coach and going through the extensive training we have to for accreditation and certification sets us up for success in this area. Since we’re taught to be curious versus judgmental, we can easily use this skill when challenges arise. Question them and start focusing on solutions. And since you’ve brought it up…
  • Focus on solutions, not problems: An entrepreneurial mindset requires you to be solution-focused. Instead of dwelling on problems, focus on finding solutions. When you encounter obstacles in your coaching business, view them as opportunities to brainstorm creative solutions. This mindset shift can help you overcome challenges and move forward towards your goals. It’s also a hallmark of a growth mindset.
  • Build a strong support network: You can absolutely do this on your own. But if you need support, even a tiny bit, get comfortable with asking for it. Building a successful coaching business is not meant to be a solo endeavor. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can support and encourage you along the way. Join a small business community, seek out an Entrepreneur Coach, and connect with other entrepreneurs who have been where you are and can offer valuable advice and guidance.

Bonus Tip For Creating Your Entrepreneurial Identity & Mindset:

Focus on value creation: Successful entrepreneurs focus on creating value for their customers, and coaches are no exception. Make sure you are providing real value to your clients by listening to their needs, developing customized coaching plans, and consistently delivering results. When you focus on creating value, you will naturally attract more clients and build a strong reputation in your niche.

Final Thoughts About Developing Your Coachpreneur Identity

Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for success as a coach (well, duh!). It can be easier said than done, but starting with these tips will help give you a blueprint of where you need to focus. With dedication, hard work, and the right mindset, you will build a thriving coaching business that provides you with the financial freedom and flexibility you desire. And I’m here for any support you need, book a free Chemistry Call today to get started.

Additional Coachpreneur Resources:

  • Download our FREE eBook, “Passion to Profit: The Ultimate Blueprint to Starting Your Coaching Business.”
  • Sign up for our monthly e-news with coaching biz tips, trends, and motivation.
  • Boost your confidence with our FREE eBook, “Self-Confidence Is A Mindset.”