Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

An Entrepreneur Coach works with you to design, launch, run and grow your business while developing your unique entrepreneurial mindset. The coaching process is transformational. An Entrepreneur Coach helps you find your voice and define your style to create the profitable business of your dreams!

In my 20 years working for a born entrepreneur, and 2+ years growing as an entrepreneur myself, I have learned that it all starts with mindset. Therefore, as an Entrepreneur Coach, I start with your mindset. Specifically, we will work on developing and nurturing your growth mindset.

Do I Need An Entrepreneur Coach?

If your mindset is holding you back from starting your business, running your business, or growing your business, then an Entrepreneur Coach is a logical next step for you. Not sure what I mean my “mindset?” Read more here.

I specialized in Entrepreneur Coaching because there are so many extraordinary individuals out there with these amazing ideas. However, many of them don’t move forward because they tell themselves they “can’t.” Not only does this suck for them, it sucks for the world. The world misses out on this greatness.

When I think of all the incredible coaches I trained with who never ventured out to start their own coaching practice, and therefore gave up their coaching dream, I am sad. I am sad that they didn’t have the support they needed to give their gift to the world. And that’s why I do what I do. To work with entrepreneurs to create their own definition of “entrepreneur” and build their businesses to extraordinary levels.

What Can An Entrepreneur Coach Help Me With?

First and foremost, an Entrepreneur Coach is a perfect fit if you’re questioning yourself and your ability to build your own business. Please, schedule a Chemistry Call and let’s talk. Some other areas we can work through are:

Shattering limiting beliefs“I don’t have what it takes to start my own business…”
Silencing your inner saboteur “I am not smart or creative enough…”
Creating the life you want “I wish I could start my own business…”
Discovering your life’s purpose “Where I am today is not where I want to be in 5 years…”
Finding your voice“I really want to do this, but everyone will think it’s stupid…”

Why Is My Entrepreneurial Mindset Important?

Trust me when I say that your mindset is everything. It’s the difference between success and giving up. It is setting healthy boundaries for others and yourself. If your mindset is rocking, everything else will begin to follow. It’s the work only you can do and that is AMAZING news because it means your future is in your control.

What is a One-on-One Entrepreneur Coaching Session Like?

In coming to a session, you can rely on me to be prepared, on time, and ready to work and play. I provide you a non-judgemental mirror so you can see yourself more with more clarity and without all the programming and distortions formed by your history.

In a coaching session you can expect that:

  • Firstly, it’s all about you! This is your time and your space, so be ready to talk and I will be ready to listen. We will focus on your goals and celebrate your successes along the way.
  • You will feel…all the feels. There’s going to be hard moments and light moments. There will be laughs, lots of laughs. Feelings are a part of this process, so your openness is essential to your success.
  • I will hold you accountable every…single…time! A huge part of the coaching process is your accountability. Don’t worry, we’ll talk it out before you commit to anything and we’ll make sure I am holding you accountable in ways that work for you. If you’re not ready to commit to yourself, turn back now!

One Last Thing…

Obviously, I’ve drank the Kool-Aid about Entrepreneur Coaching. If you’re still with me, reading along, and take one thing from this post, take with you that your mindset is so important in your life and YOU have the power to change it.

There are times when we all need a little extra support and if you find yourself there and ready to make a change, find an Entrepreneur Coach (like ME, hint hint, nudge nudge)! I’d love to hear from you and see how we could work together to shift your mindset to extraordinary levels. Schedule a Chemistry Call with me today, by clicking here.

Next Steps In Your Extraordinary Journey…