Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Hi, my name is Dawn and sometimes my fixed mindsets get the better of me. 

Even though I am a Mindset Coach and have spent a significant amount of time training to help others get “unstuck” and to overcome fixed mindsets.

Even though I actually, logically, know better.

Even though my Inner Saboteur and I are well acquainted and 9 out of 10 times I call them out on their BS.

However, at the end of the day, I am human.

That means, sometimes, I choose to let a fixed mindset knock me down, hold me back, rain on parade, etc. If you’re reading this, my guess is you too are human. And, like me, living in that fixed mindset is not where you want to permanently reside. 

So, let’s move into the sunshine and further develop those growth mindsets we have worked so hard for. Let’s show those fixed mindsets that they are not the boss of us!

When you find those fixed mindsets getting in your way…

  1. Recognize – Recognize those fixed mindsets/negative thoughts/ramblings of the Inner Saboteur. Acknowledge their existence and call them out.
  2. Identify – Identify why you’re having these thoughts right now, more specifically, what triggered them. Then ask yourself the uncomfortable question: Am I ignoring, minimizing, or exaggerating?
  3. Challenge – Challenge your fixed mindsets. What I mean is, ask yourself where the proof is. Is this fact or is this opinion? 
  4. Reframe – Reframe the fixed mindset so it is no longer negative, personal, permanent, and pervasive. Just a friendly hint, your responses in “Identify” and “Challenge” will offer you a great place to start when it comes to reframing.

It all takes practice. Some days are easier than others. However, if you start working through this process when you’re feeling the fixed mindset feels, you’ll start to see the shifts occurring easier. And if you’re struggling even getting started with recognizing them, I’m here for you. Let’s book a Chemistry Call to see how we can work together.

Additional Resources For Shifting Into A Growth Mindset:

  • Are You Ready For Change? Take this quiz to find out if you’re ready to do the work to transform your life.
  • Sign up for 8 Days Of Self-reflection Prompts delivered right to your inbox.
  • Is Your Mindset Holding You Back? 4 Signs It Is And 1 Thing You Can Do Right Now To Change It.