Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

If you’ve found your way to this page, you’ve probably thought a lot about becoming a coach and starting your own business. You’re in good company. I thought dreamt about becoming a coach and starting my own coaching practice for years before I actually made any tangible movement in that direction. Why, you may ask (though I suspect you already know since you tell yourself these same things)?

Because it was “NEVER” the right time to start my coaching business.

I planned, I researched, I procrastinated. One day I took a step forward and began training as a coach. Then I paused. I re-evaluated. Eventually, I realized there was never going to truly be a “best” time to start my own business 🤯. Especially if I kept creating reasons to NOT follow my dreams. Once I realized all of this, I was able to work through other limiting beliefs that were holding me back.

And then one day…I created my own “best” time to start my coaching business.

How Will You Know When It’s The Best Time To Start Your Coaching Business?

You will absolutely feel it in your gut. You’ll still be scared, uncertain, and slightly nauseous, but you’ll also have this feeling you can’t ignore any longer. This feeling that you MUST follow this path, no matter how soul-sucking it can be at times, because you have greatness to share with the world through your coaching practice. And you can’t hold it in any longer!

Some more signs that it’s the “best” time to start your business:
  • You have a vision in mind and you are beginning to prioritize that vision – I don’t mean that you have a full business plan (though that certainly is something you’ll need later on), but you are taking conscious steps towards that vision. For me, that meant finishing the coaching accreditation. What does it mean for you?
  • You accept that there will be challenges along the way and are beginning to prepare for them – The great thing about starting your own business is that many people have done it before you and are doing it right now the same time as you. Learn from other people’s experiences so that you can avoid some of the same obstacles and navigate them quicker.
  • You have the support system you need to launch your and grow your business – One of the best lessons in business I have learned is that you shouldn’t do it on your own. Entrepreneurs need a tribe. We need a team of people who support us, hold us accountable, step in where we need it, and are just a group of like-minded extraordinary vibing people who get us. Start with 1 person who gets your vision and keep growing from there.
  • Underneath all that anxiety/stress/fear is a flicker of excitement – If you can take away all the fixed mindsets, imposter syndrome, inner saboteurs, etc. what are you feeling? What are you dreaming of? When you start to feel a smile appear, you may be ready to start your own business.

Yes, you have to have some ducks in a row to start your own business and you have to be calculated about your initial investments and efforts. However, if you’re waiting for a “perfect” time or searching for some secret recipe to make this Coachpreneur life effortless and less scary, you will never start your own business.

Still not sure if it’s the right time (right now)? Let’s talk more and see how we can work together.

Additional Resources For The Budding Entrepreneur:

  • Sign up for 33 days of positive affirmations for Entrepreneurs. Starting a daily affirmation practice has been life-changing in my business, it will be for you too!
  • Self-Love & The Entrepreneur: What does it mean, why is it important, and how it can make you more successful!
  • Sign up for our monthly Extraordinary Energy Newsletter for mindset tips and extraordinary vibes!