Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Yes, I said ‘leaving your comfort zone’ and ‘self-care’ in the same sentence – not how you usually see them! Well, that made you peek outside your comfort zone, didn’t it? The good news is that your comfort zone is only an enemy if you allow it to be. Meaning, that if you choose to take up permanent residence in your comfort zone and live in it 24-7, it then becomes your enemy. It becomes a trap. When you’re stuck in your comfort zone, you value your comfort over risk-taking and goal-chasing.

When you’re living in your comfort zone, where will you end up in the long run?

You’ve got it, stuck in the same spot. Still doing the same things, every day. You’ll be comfortable, but won’t be truly fulfilled since you’re not living your true purpose. The dreams which have consumed you in the past will stay dreams because you’re not doing anything to move forward and make them a reality,

Well, that got dark very fast. But that’s kind of what your comfort zone does, if you let it.

We need to open the curtains and let some sunshine in this comfort zone. Here are 5 practical techniques you can use to start stepping out of your comfort zone today. The more you actively choose a growth mindset and get in the habit of stepping out of your comfort zone, the easier it will become. The ultimate benefit to you is that you’ll be living a life you’ve dreamed of because you took the chance in making it happen.

5 Ways To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

  1. Before you say “No,” think “Yes”
    If you are responding automatically to things with a “No,” you’re not even allowing a thought process to begin. Take a moment before responding and breathe. Before you insta-no, consider what “yes” could look like. How could you benefit from the experience? Could you be more productive? Could you gain new skills? What could you stand to gain? If there is anything remotely positive in your responses, say “Yes” to the thing. The more you say, “Yes” and see successful outcomes, the more confident and enthusiastic you’ll be about leaving your comfort zone.
  2. Start small
    You can never get to where you’re going without taking steps in that direction. A “small” step is still propelling you forward towards your goals. When you’re actively playing in a growth mindset and trying to get out of your comfort zone more often, start with small things instead of stressing out about the huge things you may or may not do. You will be more likely to keep making moves if you have more success built up. Start with little bursts of comfort zone crushers to build your momentum.
  3. Meet NEW people
    If you’re like me, this sounds scary. I am an introvert and while I love meeting new people, the idea of walking into a room filled with strangers sounds terrifying. Well, of course that sounds scary since I would have skipped over tip #2 that told me to start small. Kidding aside, start small and go out and meet new people. Why? When you meet new people, you learn new perspectives and experiences. When you meet new people, they can potentially influence you, and you can influence them too. You’ll exchange ideas, you’ll exchange knowledge that neither of you knew before. This diversity of thought will open your mind to extraordinary possibilities!
  4. Ask for help
    Asking for help is a sign of strength. Anybody who feels differently is operating from a fixed mindset and has set up permanent residence in their comfort zone. Sorry for them, but excited for you as you start using this comfort zone crusher more often. Asking for help can be uncomfortable sometimes (though much less so the more you do it), but when you’re afraid to ask for help, you’re probably not going to find a solution to your problem. If you don’t have the answers, then who does? Someone else might be able to help you. Being able to ask for help and, just as importantly, being open to accept help will make you more successful.
  5. Just do it
    Sorry, I could have started with this one and saved you some time. However, the best way…really the only way to actually get out of your comfort zone is to just do it. Do the thing, whatever it is. A lot of opportunities will only come your way once in your lifetime. How many of those have you missed? How many of those do you regret not taking action on? If something wonderful comes your way and it’s something that appeals to you, then do it. Give yourself the permission to live the life you dream of. The good thing is when you just go do it, you don’t end up overthinking and procrastinating and eventually talking yourself out of it. Instead, you actually take action. And when you do, your brain gets comfy outside of your comfort zone and this growth mindset becomes a habit.

Final Thoughts

Practice self-care by stepping out of your comfort zone. Do the things you want to do. Know your boundaries and say “yes” more often. Don’t let your comfort zone hold you back. Taking thoughtful risks is a requirement in this journey called life. You will either succeed and reap your reward, or you will fail and learn valuable lessons. Either way, you’re going to be learning a lot and winning in life at the same time!

Are you ready now to step out of your comfort zone? Download this FREE “Comfort Zone Buster” Checklist to get started today.

Additional Resources To Help Nudge You Out Of Your Comfort Zone:

  • Learn about mindset coaching and how it will transform your life.
  • Ready to change but not sure where to start? Schedule a chemistry call with me today to see how we can work together.
  • Breaking free from the fixed mindset and need some motivation to keep going? Sign up for my monthly newsletter with motivations, inspirations, and mindset hacks.