Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Daily affirmations can be a powerful tool in your journey to success. Hitting your goals and creating sustainable success for yourself takes more than just a clear plan. It takes continual effort and many different resources to lean on for support, inspiration, and motivation. One of my favorite resources in my toolkit for success is a daily affirmation practice. When practiced, well…daily, it has a significant impact on your mindset and hurdles you towards your goals faster than expected. 

If this sounds too “woo woo” but you’re open to the possibilities because it’s a way to improve your mindset, keep reading…

Daily Affirmations Create Positive Mindsets…And There Is Research To Prove It

In 2016, research was done to understand self-affirmations and their impact on the brain. This study found that:

  • Positive self-affirmations activate the part of the brain associated with self-processing and reward (TLDR: we enjoy it and feel good when we tell ourselves positive self-affirmations)
  • New messages are more effective than old messages and by utilizing positive self-affirmations, we can build or restore confidence (TLDR: we can rely on internal pep talks to build confidence instead of looking externally)

To put it in an even more simple manner, what do you think life could look like if you started every morning for the next 33 days with a positive, self-affirming message?

  • I am grateful for waking up this morning.
  • I’ve got this!
  • I treat myself and others with kindness.
  • I am exactly where I need to be.

Conversely, how do you think you’d feel after even 1 day of telling yourself a negative statement? How do you feel now when you’re telling yourself these things?

  • I am not good enough.
  • I have terrible ideas.
  • I am never going to change.
  • I am defined by my mistakes.

Writing that first list of positive affirmations I was feeling good, pumped, ready to finish off writing this blog post with a bang! After writing the second list, even though it was just to make a point and not true, I felt terrible about myself. It’s an extreme comparison, but it demonstrates what the research shows: words matter and they impact your brain. 

How Can You Rock Your Mind(set) With A Daily Affirmations?

There are many ways to start a daily affirmation practice. As with all things, I recommend keeping it simple. You can…

  • Sign up for the 33 Days of Extraordinary Energy Affirmations mailing list to receive daily affirmations to your email
  • At the end of each day, think of something good that happened and say to yourself, “(This awesome, amazing thing) happened, because I AM…” Fill in the blank as appropriate
  • Pick an affirmation that feels right and repeat it each morning when you wake up and each evening when you go to sleep

The greatest thing about self-affirmations…they are things you tell yourself when you need to. I start my day with a positive daily affirmation that I (silently, sometimes silently scream it) repeat throughout the day as needed. It has built confidence and security within me and makes me more accountable to myself. The biggest benefit is that it has helped me take more responsibility in my journey. In moments of frustration, doubt, disappointment, or downright dumpster fires, I can choose to self-soothe with an affirming statement to remind me of how extraordinary I am and begin shifting my mood or I can choose to stay in that moment and suffer a little longer. 

The choice is mine and the choice is yours. 

I challenge you to a 33-day self-affirmation practice and want to hear how it goes, click here to get started. Comment below or DM me with your progress, I’m excited to hear how your mindset begins to change!