Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

When you’re living life with a growth mindset, you know that failure is not final. You’ve had ups, downs, in-betweens and move through the challenges, learning along the way. Chances are, if you’ve clicked on this post though, you’re not quite there yet and are interested in learning to re-frame from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. I get it, I’ve been there too and I explored this more in my previous post, “Failure Is Final!” And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves.

However, in this post, I am going to cut to the chase and give you some of the tools I use when I am feeling unmotivated/fussy/stubborn/disappointed/all the things that keep me “stuck.” These are some simple, practical re-framing opportunities for those who want to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and start living the life they have only dreamed of. 

How To Re-frame From A Fixed Mindset To A Growth Mindset

Instead Of…Try This…
I’m not ready…I am ready because this is something I do well and care about…
Failure is finale…Failure is a lesson and I can choose to continue, change direction, or stop entirely…
I am not good at…I need to practice more or spend more time on this in order to improve to where I want to be…
They bought all of their followers, that’s why they’re so popular!I am curious about their strategy and how they got so many followers; how can I learn from them?
I’ll never be good enough…I am doing my best.
Everyone else is so much better than me!What can others teach me and what can I teach them?

Re-training Your Brain To Embrace That Failure Is Not Final

It’s easy to give advice on how to re-frame your thoughts and actions, it’s difficult to do the work. However, the work is the most rewarding part. When you consciously choose your responses and choose ones that are more rewarding to yourself, you’ll start to feel better. You’ll start to move easier through the world because your mind is more flexible and open to what else is out there. It takes time and dedication on your part to work on this mindset. 

How will you get started re-framing today? Share with me in the comments, DM me, or send me a message via the Contact page.

Next Steps On Your Journey To Living In A Growth Mindset:

  • Learn more about Mindset Coaching and how it will transform your life.
  • Ready to change but not sure where to start? Take this quiz to find out if you’re ready for a mindset shift.
  • Sign up for the Extraordinary Energy Newsletter for monthly motivation, inspiration and mindset tips.
  • Keep growing that growth mindset with 33 days of positive affirmations delivered right to your inbox. Get started today!