Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Defining success in your own terms is one of the most useful strategies we use in Mindset Coaching. It gets you thinking about what is important to you and how your previous definitions of success held you back. We talked about this more in the post, Your Definition Of Success Is Holding You Back From Success. Basically, the TLDR of that post is that we define success by what we’ve seen others do which sets us up for failure because it is not authentic to who we are.

So, let’s get started with some tips on how to define success in your own terms.

How To Define Success In Your Own Terms

  • Reflect on your (many) accomplishments large and small – Look back on your accomplishments. Write them down. Smile. Celebrate a little (or a lot). Okay, now ask yourself, “Why was working towards this goal important to me?” and “Would I want to work towards similar accomplishments in the future?” Take note of how your brain answers.
  • Make a brain dump list of goals that sounds good to you – Remember that feeling you had when writing out those accomplishments? This is going to feel even better! Clear your mind, write a list of goals you’d like to achieve. Big or small. Enormous. Trivial. All the things. Don’t judge as you do it, just write. Dump all those thoughts, all those brilliant and courageous goals onto a piece of paper (figuratively or literally depending on your writing instruments).
  • Pick one thing to start with – You have this awesome list. If it were me, I’d frame it somehow, since I would say that writing this list is an accomplishment. Pick one thing to start with. One thing, that when you accomplish it, you will feel successful. One thing, when you accomplish it and I ask you to rate your progress on a scale of 1 to 100, you are like, “Only 100? Sorry, I don’t think that small. 9,000!”
  • Make a plan of action – Now that you have the one thing you’d like to start with, make a plan of action. Ask yourself, “What is the first thing I need to do to get this started?” If you need some support in creating an action plan, I’m here for you, let’s setup a chemistry call to see how we can work together.

YOUR Definition of Success

As you spend more time with yourself and start looking at your accomplishments to fine-tune how you define success, you’ll see your growth mindset begin to flourish and new opportunities open up for you. The best part of all of this: success will begin coming much easier to you. Not because of some sort of magic, but because you’re defining it for yourself so you’ll be working towards it more naturally.

Additional Resources To Support You In Your Success: