Extraordinary Energy + Growth Mindset = Success, Freedom, Balance, and Joy

Your mindset is the key to your success (or failure). If you have a growth mindset, you are constantly in “learning mode,” open to challenges, and swiftly move on from defeats. On the other hand, if you have a fixed mindset, you often feel stuck and react impulsively more often than responding mindfully. Occasionally you may also be known as the Negative Nelly in your friend groups. Those are the short answers to the question of, “What is a Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset?” If you’re like me and need some data, a long-winded discussion, and a pretty chart to gain a deeper understanding, then read on…

So, have I said too much? Particularly, are you stuck on, “Your mindset is key to your success (or failure)?” Stop here and read this post, The Definition of Mindset, Will Blown Your Mind(set), to understand how mindset is defined.

What Is A Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset means that your intelligence, life, soundingings, circumstances…ALL THE THINGS can be developed or changed. Not magically. Not on their own, but you know that you can change it. For example, “I suck at parallel parking because I drive an extra 20 minutes to find an easy pull-spot instead of taking the time to practice it and giving myself a chance to get better.”

What Is A Fixed Mindset?

A fixed mindset means you believe your intelligence, life, surroundings, circumstances (read: ALL THE THINGS) are fixed. As a result, you feel like they are set in place with the world’s strongest Gorilla Glue, never to be moved. A life set in stone, if you will. For example, “I will never be good at parallel parking, so I will drive an extra 20 minutes to find an easy pull-in spot.” 

What Is A Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset?

A growth mindset is open, willing to change, undeterred from challenges, driven by the journey, and self-aware. On the other hand, a fixed mindset is guarded/closed, unwilling to change, afraid of challenges, solely focused on outcomes, and often led by fear. Carol Dweck, mindset guru says it best:

“In the fixed mindset, everything is about the outcome. If you fail—or if you’re not the best—it’s all been wasted. The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome. They’re tackling problems, charting new courses, and working on important issues. Maybe they haven’t found the cure for Cancer, but the search was deeply meaningful.”

Carol Dweck

Comparison Of Growth Mindsets vs. Fixed Mindsets

As you begin to understand the situations where you have a fixed mindset vs. growth mindset, you can begin to see things in a new way. When you start to change your programming and shift to a growth mindset, you’ll begin to see positive outcomes in your life. First we need to figure out where most of those fixed mindsets are, then we can work on how to shift them. The chart below shows some Growth Mindsets vs. Fixed Mindsets. How many of each side apply to you?

Growth MindsetsFixed Mindsets
Keeps trying…and trying…and trying.Gives up at the first whiff of difficulty
Embraces and learns from criticism and feedback.Outwardly ignores criticism, inwardly wonders why nobody likes you.
Understands things take hard work and time.Complains how hard it is and that it will never get better.
Speaks in possibilities and is forward-thinking.Speaks in definitives and is focused on the past.
Open to and encouraging of change.Change-averse.

These are only a few of the differences between growth mindsets and fixed mindsets. However, I am curious. In reading through only a few of these examples and thinking of the area you most feel “stuck” in life, how many of the attributes written on the right applied to you? How often have you held yourself back by thinking one of those things? If staying in a fixed mindset is keeping you “stuck,” then wouldn’t moseying over to a growth mindset serve you better?

Your (Growth) Mindset Is The Key To Your Success

Now comes that data I promised earlier. There has been research done by Stanford University that mindset is a more significant contributor to academic success than even socioeconomic background. To that point, a study by McKinsey found that a growth mindset closes achievement gaps among students by 30-50%. Previously in this post I said that your mindset is key to your success and I wasn’t completely clear. Specifically, it is your growth mindset that is the key to your success. 

What is one area in your life you would like to choose to have a growth mindset? Share with me in the comments below.

Next Steps In Your Extraordinary Journey…